As per bye law 4.04
CATEGORY OF MEMBERS Members of the Association shall comprise of the following categories:
- Regular Member
- Life Member
- Corporate Member
- Honorary Membe
- Dependent of Member:
- Spouse Member
- Member User Card
- Service Member
- Short Term Temporary Members
- Long Term Temporary Members
- Affiliate Club Member
A Regular Member is one who has been admitted in this category.
- The term Life Member Shall include the existing Patron, Vice-Patron.
- A Regular Member who has attained the age of 65 years and with minimum of 15 years of continuous membership shall be a Life Member.
Corporate establishments including professional/service establishments enjoying good standing are eligible to become Corporate Members.
- The managing Committee may confer Honorary membership, on such person who has attained laurels in the field of sports, Arts, Literature, Cultural/Social Activities and who has attained National/International repute, eminence.
- The Managing Committee may confer Honorary Membership, on such a person who holds high position in various Government Departments concerning jurisdiction of the Association, State, Central and local authorities.
- The tenure of the Honorary membership is co-terminus with the tenure of the managing Committee, which confers the Honorary Membership.
The following are the categories of dependent of members
- Spouse:
- The Spouse of the member can avail all the facilities of the Association including entertaining the Guests having a ‘Spouse Card’they shall not have voting rights
- The Spouse Cardis valid even after the demise of the members who confer it and lasts till the life time of the Spouse.
- Spouse Card ceases on resignation/termination of the spouse
Note: Statutory Obligation shall apply as per rule.
2. DEPENDENT of MEMBERS for all eligible Activities only
The children of Life/Regular members of the Association whose age is below twenty one (21) years, are eligible to be enroll asDependent Member for Sports, Library and Cultural activities only.
3. Life / Regular member during his/her tenure who has completed Fifteen (15) years of continuous membership is eligible to sponsor one person of his/her choice either his/ her Son or Daughter or his/ her relative being Brothers/ Brothers Children, Sisters / Sisters Children only for admission as a Regular member, if he/she has attained Twenty one (21) years of age.
4. Life / Regular member is also eligible to enroll one more(Second Child) of his /ner Son/Daughter as a regular member on completion of Twenty (20) continuous years of membership, provided such son/ daughter has completed Twenty One (21) years of age.
5. A Life / Regular members, being a Bachelor / Spinster / Issue less members, during his/her tenure who has completed Fiteeen (15) years of continuous membership is eligible to sponsor one person of his choice being a ‘Relative’viz Brothers/ Brothers Children, Sisters / Sistes Children being blood relative as Regular Member only
6. A Member can request for issue of aJSER CARD”to any of his / her children to use the facilities of the Association. Such user facility is given at the discretion of the Managing Committee. A non refundable Admission Fees of Rupees Five Thousand only (Rs.5,000/-) and a monthly subscription Fees of Five Hundred per month (Rs.500/- ) shall be levied for such a ‘User Card”depending upon the facilities being used , appropriate fees etc., specified for the facility will also needs to be paid. Such User Card is issued only to the persons above the age of Twenty One (21) years. They are not eligible to bring guests. However, they are eligible to bring their spouse & their children.
Note: The above facility shall be effective till the demise / resignation of the primary membership.
- The Managing Committee may at its discretion admit as ser- vice member, officials holding minimum gazetted or equivalent rank from Local Area, Civic, State, Central, and Quasi Govern- ment Departments/ Undertakings;
- The managing Committee may confer Service membership, on such person who holds Responsible position in various Gov- ernment Departments concerning jurisdiction of the Associa- tion, State, Central and local Authority.
- The tenure of the service member shall be reviewed depending upon his/her being available in the area of operation and may be extended at the discretion of the Managing Committee. The Managing Committee can exempt Service Members from paying subscription and cover charges at the discretion of the Managing Committee.
Note: Service Members are entitled to bring Guest
- The Managing Committee may at its discretion admit person/s as Short Term temporary member for utilization of specified facilities such as Cards and Sports facilities of the Association, on payment of fees as prescribed from time to time.
- The tenure of a Short Term temporary member shall be for a period of Six (6) months, The same may be renewed from time to time subject to the conduct of the STTM.
The Long term temporary member is admitted at the discretion of the Managing Committee and shall be for maximum period of Three (3) years.
Member of an affiliated club of the Association shall be entitled to use the facilities of the Association on reciprocal basis subject to all pay- ments being made in advance
- Life Member or Regular Member :
Life or Regular member is eligible to propose more than one REGULAR, LTTM AND STTM member in a year.
- Life / Regular member during his/her tenure who has completed Fifteen (15) years of continuous membership is eligible to sponsor one (1) person of his/her choice either his/her Son or Daughter or his/her relative being Brothers/ Brothes Children, Sisters / Sisters Children only for admission of a Regular member, if he/she has attained Twenty (21) years of age.
- Life / Regular member is also eligible to enroll one more(Second Child) of his /her Son/Daughter has a regular member on completion of Twenty (20) continuous years of membership, provided such son/daughter has completed Twenty One 21 years of age.
- Once the admission is completed by the Managing Committee , the candidates shall become regular members of the Association from the date of their admission subject to payment of specified admission fee subscription taxes etc., before availing any of the facilities of the Association.
- The admission of such Son/Daughter shall be subject to the admission processes as laid down elsewhere as part of rules.
- All such admitted members shall become voting members from next General Body meeting, through listing of the name of the Sponsor & the new member for information.
- A Life / Regular members, being a Bachelor / Spinster / Issue less members, during his/her tenure who completed Fifteen (15) years of continuous membership is eligible to sponsor one person of his / her choice being a ‘Relative’ viz Brothers/ Brothess Children, Sisters / Sisters Children being blood relative as Regular Member only.
Note: However such of these members shall not have the right to nominate any person to those member who have not nominated shall be considered for sponsorship.
- A Life or Regular member may nominate spouse or one of his / her children or his/her relative and also has the right to change the nomination at any time during his / her membership is eligible for admission as a Regular member, on demise of nominating member .
Note: relative viz Brothes/ Brothers Children, Sisters / Sistets Children being blood relative as Regular Member only.
- A Life /Regular Member being a bachelor /Spinster/has no issues can nominate one person of his/her relative to be eligible for admission as a regular member on his/her demise.
- Nomination must be registered by the Member with the Association during his / her membership.
- The payment of admission fees in case of nomination on demise of a member is rupees Ten thousand (Rs.10,000/-) only.
- This is subject to the condition that the Nominee so named, shall exercise his/her membership claim in writing to the Hon. Secretary of the Association in accordance with the rule within one year from the date of demise of the member.
- This facility is not available to those members who have enrolled two children as member.
- Any Life/Regular member is eligible to transfer his/her membership to one person of his/her relative, to be admitted as Regular member is available to those members whose Spouse or Children have not availed permanent membership.
- The Life / Regular member who has so transferred his/her membership automatically ceases to be a member of the Association, from the date the transfer becomes effective.
- The payment of admission fees in case of transfer /nomination on demise of amember is rupees Ten thousand(Rs.10,000/-) only and in case of transfer by the member in their tenure is Rupees Twenty Five Thousand (Rs.25,000/-) and levies as applicable.
- The member on nomination/transfer cannot transfer his/her membership for a period of Ten (10) years.
Resignation :
- A Life/Regular Member can resign and avail Rupees Two lakh (Rs.2 Lakh) only
- Resignation is subject to the following conditions
- Golden Handshake — A Members are eligible for this facility resignation being approved by the Managing Committee and the funds shall be given by the capital fund.
- Any Regular/life member, who has been a member continuously for Ten (10) years, may voluntarily resign to his/her membership of the Association.
- His/her resignation letter is addressed to the Hon. Secretary.
- All service and facilities shall be stopped immediately on his/her resignation is accepted.
- He/she settles all dues to the Association.
- The Association shall display on the Notice board the resignation of the member.
- The member so resigning shall not be eligible for re-admission.
- Number of member on resignation be given Golden Handshake restricting Twelve (12) applicants per year subject to intake of New membership as per rule. Further clearance of pending resignation membership acceptance application will be subject to the availability of this fund created under the head ‘New Membership admission fund”
Corporate Member:
- The tenure of Corporate Membership shall be for ten (10) years from the date of admission.
- A corporate member may nominate not more than three (3) persons of the corporate office to avail the facility of the Association. The nomination of persons from time to time will be at the discretion of the corporate member. (ii)
- Corporate membership can be extended only to the organization having more than Ten (10) years of standing and having a turnover of Rupees Ten ( Rs.10 ) Crores per annum, with a minimum paid up capital of Rupees Fifty Lakhs (Rs. 50,00,000/- )
Honorary Member
The tenure of the Honorary membership is co-terminus with the tenure of the managing Committee, which confers the Honorary Membership.
Confirmation of the membership is at the discretion of the Managing Committee.
The admission of such members shall be considered on the specific application of the official concerned and tenure of such membership, shall be co- terminus with the tenure of office in the area or co-terminus with term of Managing Committee.
- The Managing Committee may at its discretion admit persons as Short Term Temporary members for utilization of Cards and Sports facilities of the Association, on payment of charges as prescribed from time to time.
- STTM shall not have voting right.
- The tenure of a temporary member shall be for a maximum period of six (6) months.
- In the event of any complaint the action will be taken and he/ she may be terminated
- The Long Term Temporary membership will be issued on payment of Rupees One Lakh (Rs.1,00,000/-) only admission fee and shall be for maximum period of Three (3) Years. The Managing Committee is empowered to renew the LTTM Membership as per rules and _ after looking into the conduct of the LTTM Member The admission fee so collected is non-refundable.
- Long Term Temporary members can utilize all facility during their tenure by paying subscription as defined in subscription column. Activities fees will be as applicable to regular member from time to time if they avail.
- The LTTM members will not have voting rights, they are not entitled to attend AGM&/SGMS of the Association.
Note: Admission fees and Subscription fees defined in admission & subscription column.
- They are not entitled to bring guest.
- In the event of such member misbehaving in the association premises the action will be taken and the same will be reported to the principal club in this regard.
- The affiliated club member shall utilize the facility of the Association only Four (4) times in a month and Forty Eight (48) times in a year, restricted to Four (4) days continuously at a time.
No individual shall be a member under more than one category except as a nominee of a Corporate. When admitted to any other category he/she shall relinquish the existing membership.